Instructions for the Breathing Course Exercises

This sequence of exercises should be done twice a day, first thing in the morning when you wake up, and last thing at night before going to bed (watch the video).

If your first Control Pause is less then 20 seconds do not try to do an Extended Pause. 

  1. Sit on a straight-backed chair or the edge of your bed with your back straight and feet flat on the floor.
  2. Tape your mouth. Initially, you can remove it after the exercise, but as soon as possible you should try to keep the tape in place all night while you sleep.
  3. Read and record your pulse.
  4. Perform a Control Pause and record the number of seconds.
  5. Do 4 minutes Reduced Breathing (RB).
  6. Perform a second Control Pause or an Extended Pause and record the number of seconds.
  7. Do a second four-minute RB.
  8. Perform a third Control Pause or an Extended Pause and record the number of seconds.
  9. Do a third four-minute RB.
  10. Perform a final Control Pause and record the number of seconds.
  11. Read and record your final pulse.